Yi Ju Chinese online media project by Multimarketing LTD

I have used Ivor ERP CMS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JQuery

Yi Ju Project – A trusted Chinese building and construction platform

Thanks for Multimarketing LTD’s offers to me to develop this interesting project.

This project has strict requirements for HIGHLY RESPONSIVE DESIGN and must be convertible to Mobile APP at an later stage using Cordova (formerly named Phonegap) to deploy on iOS and Android. Most part of the website are built using HTML5/CSS/Jquery only and it is my primary goal to reduce page reload on every search or change of criteria.

Yi Ju website also offers an magazine reading portal for customers who has purchased the subscription. Ivor ERP eCommerce is enabled in this project. Payment gateways is through Ivor ERP and supports Paypal, Polipay, Wechatpay and Alipay (Global version).

I am still under contract to Multimarketing LTD for this project at present.